How our family got started..........

Thanks for stopping by to see our Sustaita Reunion Blog. I'd like to start with how our family got started...

Many years ago, my Great-Great-Grandparents moved to the United States from Mexico. When they moved they only had two kids at that time. Jim and Jesus Sustaita.

Manuel & Alvina Sustaita ( my great-great-grandparents) had 8 children in all.

-Jim Sustaita

-Jesus Sustaita

-Joe Sustaita (which is my great-grandpa)

-Julian Sustaita

-Nicolasa Sustaita Becera

-Ramona Sustaita Ramirez

-Francisco Sustaita

-Juan Sustaita

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Our 30th Sustaita Reunion was held in Bryan Texas this year.  We had a great turnout as we always do.  We decided on the place for next years reunion, and it will be held in Houston TX for 2013, and in Austin for 2014.

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